NB: This is the archive of all known recordings of the sermons Father Pritchartt preached while 12th Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Dallas, Texas from 1974 until 1992. No official catalogue was preserved.  The sermons are not listed here in the exact order they were preached. Also, at the time of these earliest recordings (Good Friday 1977 and the following summer), the Incarnation was phasing in a new lectionary to be used in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.  Wherever possible, we have tried to link the sermon to the appropriate propers that were in use, and only if Fr Pritchartt mentions a particular collect or text in his sermon.  However, not every link will be that particular Sunday's appointed lectionary text but, rather, another text referenced in Father Pritchartt's sermon.  While some of the sermons listed in this index are in a peculiar order, it is our hope to eventually rearrange this index into the format of the current liturgical calendar, whereby you may access a sermon if we have a recording for that particular Sunday in the liturgical year.  This is currently a work in progress, as we listen to the archive and try to detect - from the propers Father Pritchartt cites - which Sunday to associate with a particular recording. Check back regularly.




Sermon 1 - The Tendency to Abridge: Grasp God and He will Grasp You; GOOD FRIDAY (Referenced Text)

Sermon 2 - A Parent's Gift; Proper 6, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 3 - The Parable of the Good Samaritan; Proper 10, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 4 - The Conversion of Zacchaeus; Proper 26, Year C (Propers: OT / Gospel)

Sermon 5 - The Presence of God: Reclamation; Proper 29, Year C (Propers: Epistle / Gospel

Sermon 6 - Gently Down the Stream; Epiphany 8, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 7 - ALL SAINTS SUNDAY (Propers)

Sermon 8 - Walk Like You Talk; Advent 1, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 9 - Faith in the Impossible; Advent 4, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 10 - Identity and Did You Do It? CHRISTMAS DAY

Sermon 11 - The Priesthood of Conversion; Sermon at the Ordination to the Priesthood of The Rev'd Fr Jack Elquit Altman, III

Sermon 12 - Cozy with God; Epiphany 2, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 13 - The Joy of One's Religion; Epiphany 3, Year A (Propers: Epistle / Gospel)

Sermon 14 - A Discussion of Lent; Lent 1, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 15 - A Question of Power; Lent 2, Year A (Propers: Collect - NB: The propers of the 1928 BCP were still in use for liturgies at the Incarnation at this time; however, Fr Pritchartt was preaching from the new 1979 BCP Lectionary that was being phased in.  While this collect is prayed the Second Sunday in Lent in the 1928 BCP and Church of England propers, it is prayed on the Third Sunday in Lent in the 1979 BCP of the Episcopal Church. / Gospel)

Sermon 16 - The Movement Forward; Lent 3, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 17 - A Prayer for Life; Lent 5, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 18 - United with God; GOOD FRIDAY,

Sermon 19 - God of Music; EASTER SUNDAY

Sermon 20 - Living Beyond Futility; Easter 3, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 21 - Baptism and Crucifixion; Easter 4, Year A, Good Shepherd Sunday (Propers: Epistle / Gospel)

Sermon 22 - The Shared Selfhood of God; Easter 7, Year A (Propers) NB: This sermon cuts off at the 8:47 mark.  We are hoping to find a complete recording.  





Sermon 1 - A Proclamation of Normality; WHITSUNDAY, Year A (Propers: Acts 2:1-11 / John 20:19-23 / Referenced Text)

Sermon 2 - Hosea: Mercy, Not Sacrifice; Proper 5, Year A (Propers: OT / Gospel / Referenced Text)

Sermon 3 - The Prevenience of God; Proper 12, Year A (Referenced Collect; Propers)

Sermon 4 - The Illusion of Ownership (The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen); Proper 22, Year A (PropersNB: Unfortunately, the original tape of this fine sermon was damaged, and so the last few minutes are missing, beginning at 10:52. But what remains is still very much worth listening. 

Sermon 5 - Spiritual Superscription; Proper 24, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 6 - The Christian Prepositions; FEAST OF ALL SAINTS, (Propers: Epistle / Gospel

Sermon 7 - Spiritual Authenticity: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins; Proper 27, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 8 - Not Material, but Spiritual Growth: The Parable of the Talents; Proper 28, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 9 - The Transfiguration of Creation; CHRISTMAS EVE

Sermon 10 - The Hiddenness of Christ; THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST, Epiphany 1, Year B (Referenced Text)

Sermon 11 - Spiritual Possession and Conversion; Epiphany 4, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 12 - An Ability to Adjust; Epiphany 5, Year B (Referenced Text)

Sermon 13 - The Abnormalities of Creation; Epiphany 6, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 14 - Crucifixion: The Discovery of Sin and Salvation; GOOD FRIDAY

Sermon 15 - Freedom and Belonging; Easter 4, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text

Sermon 16 - Joy and Happiness; Easter 6, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 17 - The Master and the Disciple; Proper 20, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 18 - Life Can be Changed; Epiphany 2, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 19 - Baptism and the Eucharist; Epiphany 7, Year C (Referenced Text)

Sermon 20 - Divine Potentiality; Epiphany 5, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 21 - The Flight for Spirituality; Lent 1, Year C

Sermon 22 - What Then, Shall We Say to These Things? Lent 2, Year B (Propers) NB: It is possible this sermon was preached in 1982.

Sermon 23 - The Communion of Saints; FEAST OF ALL SAINTS (Referenced Text)




Sermon 1 - Love and the Phrase, "You Didn't Have to Do That"; TRINITY SUNDAY, Year C (Referenced Parable)

Sermon 2 - The Compassionate Power of God; Proper 5, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 3 - Spiritual Inheritance; Proper 7, Year C (Referenced Text / Propers

Sermon 4 - The Story of Danny Thomas; Proper 8, Year C (Referenced Text)

Sermon 5 - A Still From a Movie You Don't Know; Proper 10, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 6 - A Chapel and It's Mood of Eternity; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 7 - The Power of Christianity in Pessimism; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 8 - Parochial Love; Proper 18, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 9 - Spiritual Disapproval; Proper 19, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 10 - The Spiritual Vulnerability; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 11 - An Increase of Faith; Proper 22, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 12 - All Saints Sunday; FEAST OF ALL SAINTS (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 13 - Looking for Life; Proper 28, Year C (Propers: Gospel / Collect)

Sermon 14 - Translation: The Movement From One Place to Another; Proper 29, Year C (Propers: Epistle / Collect)

Sermon 15 - Quiet, Contemplative Prayer; THANKSGIVING DAY

Sermon 16 - Even Guilt is a Gift of God; Advent 2, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 17 - The Unpopularity of Jesus; Advent 3, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 18 - To Look with One's Heart and Not the Eyes; CHRISTMAS DAY (Referenced Text / Genesis 28)

Sermon 19 - Christmas and the Coming of Light; Christmas 1, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 20 - The Termination of Separation; THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST (Epiphany 1), Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 21 - God's Visibility; Epiphany 4, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 22 - Flavoring the World with the Essence of God; (Propers / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 23 - A Holy Lent; ASH WEDNESDAY, Year A;  (Referenced Text)

Sermon 24 - Sincerity; Epiphany 6, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 25 - The Conversion of Fear; Lent 1, Year A (Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 26 - Accomplishment and Happiness; Lent 2, Year A (Referenced Text)



Sermon 1 - Religion and the Jigsaw Puzzle; Lent 4, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 2 - Man's Quest of Power; Lent 5, Year A (Propers

Sermon 3 - Destiny to Our Dust; EASTER SUNDAY (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 4 - The Vineyard of Our Religion; Proper 22, Year A (Propers: Psalm / OT / Gospel)

Sermon 5 - The Clash of Good and Evil; Easter 5, Year A (Propers: Epistle / Gospel)

Sermon 6 - The Gift of the Holy Spirit; WHITSUNDAY, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 7 - The Stature of Christ; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 8 - The Sword of Christ; Proper 8, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 9 - Spotty Spirituality; Proper 16/17, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 10 - The Critical Moment of Choice; Proper 18, Year A (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 11 - Don't Break the Chain; Proper 19, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 12 - Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations; Proper 20, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 13 - The Mind of Christ; Proper 22, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 14 - A Gospel of Joy and Gratitude; ; Proper 23, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 15 - Living in the Present but Cut Off from the Past; Proper 24, Year A (Propers

Sermon 16 - Loss of Life and Loneliness; FEAST OF ALL SAINTS; (Collect)

Sermon 17 - Night Cometh; Proper 27, Year A (Propers: Gospel,  Collect / Referenced Text)

Sermon 18 - No More Heroes; Proper 28, Year A (Propers

Sermon 19 - A Level of Incompletion in Living; Advent 1, Year B (Referenced Text)

Sermon 20 - The Divine Procession; Advent 2, Year B (Propers: OTGospel)

Sermon 21 - Christmas Sermon; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 22 - St Stephen's Day (Referenced Text: Leviticus 2 / Acts 5 and 6)


Sermon 1 - Life Exchange; THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 2 - Set Free From Bondage; Epiphany 5, Year B (Collect)

Sermon 3 - To Actually Listen to God's Voice; Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 4 - Ash Wednesday Sermon; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 5 - Isolation Comes When Change Does Not; Lent 5, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 6 - Good Friday Sermon; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 7 - Easter Sermon; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 8 - The Reason He Came Back; Wednesday in Easter Week (Collect)

Sermon 9 - Oneness; Easter 4, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 10 - Christ's Commandment of Love; Easter 5, Year B (Referenced Text)

Sermon 11 - The Breath of Christ; Eastertide (Specific Day Unknown; Referenced Text)

Sermon 12 - Becoming Religious; TRINITY SUNDAY, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 13 - The Perplexity of Faith; Proper 7, Year B (Propers: OT / Gospel

Sermon 14 - Joy Through the Christian Faith; Proper 23, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 15 - How Has God Changed Me; Proper 23, Year B (Propers) NB: This is the same sermon as Sermon 14, delivered at a different service that day.

Sermon 16 - The God of Peace; (Referenced Collect)

Sermon 17 - The Antipathy of the Mysterious; (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 18 - Who Do You Say I Am; Proper 19, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 19 - Presence Through His Creations; Proper 20, Year B (Propers: Collect / GospelReferenced Collect)

Sermon 20 - I Am What is Out There; Funeral Homily for Kay (Gospel)

Sermon 21 - An Issue of Commitment; Proper 22, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 22 - Proximity to Christ; Proper 24, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 23 - The Passing of the Peace; FEAST OF ALL SAINTS (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 25 - The Extravagant Foolishness of God; Epiphany 2, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 27 - The Paradox of Glory; Lent (Sunday Unknown), Year B (Referenced Text)




Sermon 1 - Salvation in Being Busy; Proper 28, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 2 - God's Victory; CHRIST THE KING; Proper 29, Year B (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 3 - The Loss of Advent; Advent 1, Year C (Referenced Text)

Sermon 4 - The Indwelling of God; CHRISTMAS (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 5 - Taking Christ's name Into You; HOLY BAPTISM (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 6 - The Capability of Us; Epiphany 2, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 7 - Our Duality of Inclination; Epiphany 4, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 8 - The Two-Edged Epiphany; Epiphany 5, Year C (Propers: Psalm / Gospel)

Sermon 9 - From Degeneration to Regeneration; Last Sunday of Epiphany, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 10 - Lenten Sermon; Lent 1, Year C (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 11 - To Know What God Thinks of Us; Lent 2 or 3, Year C (Referenced Text / Read the Good Friday Collect here.)

Sermon 12 -  The Arrival to a Point of Confession; Lent 4, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 13 - Confidence in the Face of Death; Lenten Funeral Homily (Gospel)

Sermon 14 - Follow! PALM SUNDAY (Referenced Text)

Sermon 15 - The Restoration of the Universe to its Original Communion with God; GOOD FRIDAY (Referenced Text)

Sermon 16 - I Go to Prepare a Place For You; EASTER SUNDAY (Referenced Text)

Sermon 17 - The Encounter of Companionship; Easter 3, Year C (Propers: Collect / Gospel / Referenced Text)

Sermon 18 - The Gift and Curse of Individuality; GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY; Easter 4, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 19 - The Vine and Branches; Easter 6, Year A (Propers / Psalm)

Sermon 20 - The Provision of Power; WHITSUNDAY (Propers / Collect)

Sermon 21 - His Creation Has More to Become; TRINITY SUNDAY, Year A (Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 22 - Not Yet; Proper 8, Year C (PropersNB: It is evident that the sequence of sermon recordings jumps here from Year A to Year C.  We do not know for sure what year this and the following sermons were preached. 

Sermon 23 - Love and the Higher Levels of Life; Proper 10, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 24 - The Failure to Believe in the World; Proper 11, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text)





Sermon 1 - The Fun of the Holy Spirit; Proper 12, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 2 - That Which Belongs to Him; Proper 19, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 3 - How Much More?; Proper 20, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 4 - The Joy and Peace From God; Proper 22, Year C (Propers / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 5 - Thankfulness; Proper 23, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 6 - Longing to be Complete; Proper 26, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 7 - Gone (Not!) But Not Forgotten (No Referenced Texts)

Sermon 8 - Remember Me; Proper 29, Year C; CHRIST THE KING (Propers: Collect / Epistle / Gospel)

Sermon 9 - God's Invasion Into Your Time; Advent 1, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 10 - Guilt and Conversion; Advent 2, Year A (Propers: Gospel / OT )

Sermon 11 - Acquisitions and Renunciations; Advent 3, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 12 - When There is No More Room for Mystery; Sermon at the Ordination to the Priesthood of The Rev'd Fr Stephen Shea Gerth, Jr

Sermon 13 - Revelation and Finding Jesus; CHRISTMAS DAY, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 14 - Peace Above All Else; Liturgical day unknown; Christmastide; perhaps HOLY NAME (Referenced Text)

Sermon 15 - Not to Look But to Find; Epiphany 2, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 16 - If Religion Stifles the Spirit; Epiphany 3, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 17 - The Quantity of Religion; Epiphany 5, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 18 - Self Righteousness; Epiphany 7, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 19 - Monuments; Last Epiphany, Year A, THE TRANSFIGURATION (Propers)

Sermon 20 - The Joy in Lent; ASH WEDNESDAY (Propers)

Sermon 21 - Obedience; Lent 1, Year A (Propers: OT / Gospel

Sermon 22 - God's Concern in Salvation; Lent 2, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 23 - A Pre-Easter Sermon: How Are We Doing?; Lent 4, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 24 - Power; Lent 5, Year A (Propers)




Under Construction

Sermon 1 - Satisfaction; MAUNDY THURSDAY (Referenced Text)

Sermon 2 - The Gift of Life; Easter 2, Year A (Propers: Collect / Gospel / Referenced Text)

Sermon 3 - Spirituality of Things; Easter 6, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 4 - Everything Done For You; THE ASCENSION, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 5 - The Commandment to Love; TRINITY SUNDAY, Year A (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 6 - Confession of Deception; Epiphany 5, Year C (Propers)

Sermon 7 - Never to Despair; Proper 11, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 8 - To Miss the Point of Being Alive; Proper 17, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 9 - Theology Does Change; (No Referenced Texts; Liturgical Date Unknown)

Sermon 10 - A Marriage of the Infinite and the Finite; Proper 23, Year A (Propers / Collect)

Sermon 11 - An 11th Commandment; Proper 24, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 12 - Regardless of Preparation; Proper 27, Year A (Propers)

Sermon 13 - His Pursuit of Us; CHRIST THE KING, Year A; (Propers: OT /Gospel / Referenced Text 1 / Referenced Text 2)

Sermon 14 - When A Man Comes to Christ; Funeral for William "Billy" Steele (Propers)

Sermon 15 - To Create Something That Isn't Already There; Advent 3, Year B (Referenced Text)

Sermon 16 - The Importance of His Name; Advent 4, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 17 - More Than This Life; CHRISTMAS EVE

Sermon 18 - Epiphanies of God and of Us; Epiphany 1, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 19 - Feelings

Sermon 20 - Who Do You Say I Am; Proper 19, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 21 - Quiet in the Presence of God; Epiphany 5, Year B (Propers)

Sermon 22 - The Mind of Christ; ASH WEDNESDAY, Year B (Propers / Referenced Text)

Sermon 23 - A Power of Ultimate Consequence; Lent 3, Year B (Propers / Collect)




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Sermon 4 - Box 3 #1;

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